Our Privacy Policy
・Basic principle
We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, and will carefully handle the acquired personal information under the principle of respecting the personality of the individual, and will handle it appropriately.
・Definition of personal information
1) The "Personal Information Protection Act" stipulates that information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, and other descriptions contained in the information (Including those that can be matched against and thereby identify a specific individual.)
2) At our company, this includes all information obtained from the customer, such as the address, name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and other information that identifies the customer.
・Acquisition of personal information
1) In order to carry out the purpose of using personal information, we will acquire personal information from customers through product orders, inquiries, catalog applications, questionnaires, etc.
2) We will never acquire personal information by deception or other illegal means.
・Disclosure of personal information
1) If requested by the customer himself/herself, we will disclose it after properly confirming the identity of the customer.
2) In the event of legal obligations such as stipulations of laws and regulations or notifications and instructions from administrative authorities, we will disclose it only to necessary parties.
3) For the purpose of urgently protecting human life, human rights, body, property, etc., and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person, we will disclose it only to necessary related parties.
・Providing or consigning personal information to a third party
1) We will provide the minimum necessary personal information to the delivery company for shipping and sending the goods for the purpose of use.
2) Due to future business expansion, we may entrust or provide personal information to external information handling companies.
In that case, we will strictly examine the information handling business and promptly notify you through our website etc.
3) Except for 1) and 2) above, we will not provide or entrust personal information to a third party without the consent of the customer.
・Purpose and scope of use of personal information
1) Shipping products, responding to inquiries, and sending catalogs and information to customers.
2) Internal materials for product planning, development, improvement, etc.
3) other services and legitimate company operations.
4) We will never use personal information beyond the scope of the purpose without obtaining the consent of the customer.
・Management of personal information
1) In order to prevent the loss, leakage, destruction, falsification, etc. of important personal information, we will implement strict safety management.
2) We will ensure that employees who handle personal information comply with the Personal Information Protection Act.
3) We will endeavor to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal information.
4) If the customer himself/herself requests correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc. of personal information, after properly confirming the identity of the customer,
We will respond appropriately within a reasonable range in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.
・Inquiries about personal information
Eight Co., Ltd. Headquarters
Phone: 06-6793-9025
FAX: 06-6793-8298 >>>Inquiry pagePlease use the inquiry form.
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding Sundays, holidays, Obon, and New Year holidays
・Reference materials
For details of the "Personal Information Protection Act", please refer to the website of the Prime Minister's Office (Act on the protection of personal information).